Strada is all about collaborating with teams who need to organize and search though large batches of media. This is made possible through a powerful and simple way to build Strada Projects and organize thousands of assets across flexible Bins.
Learn how to setup your Strada Projects and Bins below!
Steps to creating projects in Strada:
1. Select the "+" button at the top and type to create a new Project
2. Create additional projects by selecting "+”
3. Change Project order by dragging Project Name
4. Close projects by clicking "x" Open projects by clicking "+"
5. Rename Bins by clicking the 3-dot menu
6. Create new Bins by clicking the "+" in the Bins selector
7. Re-arrange Bins by dragging them up and down
Pro Tip: When you want to copy from one Strada Project to another, you can Drag + Drop assets to the top tab of any Project and it allows you to choose which Bins you want to copy the assets into!