Strada is one of the only products that can automatically sync audio and video together in the cloud using separate audio and video assets. In addition, Strada is one of the only cloud platforms that can playback dailies and rushes in multicam view view simultaneously.

Learn how Strada can sync and stack your assets in the cloud!


Steps to syncing and stacking in Strada:

1. To build multi-cams from assets sharing the same timecode choose "stack by timecode"

2. Assets will automatically sync and stack up to 4 video and audio assets simultaneously

3. When some video assets do not have audio Strada will only sync overlapping timecode

4. Only assets with synced audio will display with the audio multicam icon

5. Strada can also sync multicam if all assets have the same start frame

6. To synchronize assets based on a common Frame 1 select all and choose "Stack All"

7. You can stack up to 4 cameras with separate audio files

Pro Tip: You can also DRAG + DROP assets that are supposed to synced on top of each other!